all the apricots and peaches stood up and shouted, "WHaT SAY YOU?"

mardi, février 03, 2004

hey.. i can't think of what to write now.. but i feel like blogging anyway. hmmm well today i went to westmall and i bought some coloured pens but not for myself... i went to the post office and sent 3 to alison, 2 to monica and 1 to patrycja... i also sent letters to niina, michelle, ally amd francy.. oh and i sent one local letter to stef..they increased the local postage fee!! its now i hate this gst increase thing. well sunday night i watched the last samurai.. oh oh oh the show was just wonderful and i loved the truth in it that we must not forget who we are.. well seems like tom cruise's acting has improved i found his performance convincing as the captain.. and ken watanabe was great.. no wonder he got nominated for an oscar if im not wrong.. the little girl in whale rider got nominated too.. haha she's quite good for a new comer. well saturday night i watched silk stockings and thats when i finally realised that that magnificent ballet dancer in singin' in the rain was cyd charisse! gosh how slow am i man... anyway then so i changed the picture on the blog page to the great fred astaire... and added in some ego stuff like fireworks with my name..heh. oh i really wonder when i will get hold of the top hat tape... everytime i go down to the esplanade its always on loan.. sighs...

"we may be influenced by others, but we must not forget who we are ultimately" -the emperor in the last samurai


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all apricots reserve their right to be eaten
all peaches plead to be savoured
and the apricots and peaches agree that together, they make the perfect dessert
and indeed, they did.